
Mystery Woman Guards Secret For Annual Freshman Smoker


Boasting a long list of celebrities, the Yardling Smoker Committee is ready to receive the thousand odd students who will throng Memorial Hall this evening for the annual Freshman show.

If everything goes off as planned, the show will begin at 8 o'clock and take approximately three and a half hours, ending in the vicinity of 11:30 o'clock. Freshmen will be admitted upon identification, and at five minutes before eight about 250 upperclassmen will be allowed in up to the capacity of the hall.

Stoopnagle Master of Ceremonies

Following a few opening words by John Richardson, Jr. '43, chairman of the committee, Colonel Stoopnagle will take over the floor as master of ceremonies, and the show will be on.

With a repertoire of songs, Cab Calloway, the King of Hi-de-ho, is the first on the program of celebrities, who are offering their services to the class of 1943. He will be followed by the long-awaited, much discussed, and much secreted "Mystery Woman."


Mystery Woman Still Mystery

The Committee still remains silent as to her identity in spite of continued pressure, revealing only that she is beautiful and satisfying. "You'll have plenty of time to see her tonight" is the constant reply.

After receiving a small gift as thanks for his special trip from New York in order to be present tonight, Jack Benny's famed stooge, Rochester, will present a comic skit. Ray W. Guild, Jr. '43, winner on the Freshman Amateur Hour, will follow a sports commentary by George Carens of the Post with a series of impersonations and wisecracks.

From the Latin Quarter in Boston comes Helen Carrol, who ends the first half of the show with a few popular songs.

To the tune of Tasker Crosson's orchestra the crowd will be served refreshments of ice cream, cigarettes, and cigars, while the stage is being set for Charlie Struck and Ollie Olson, grunt and groan experts from the Boston Garden.

Ray Perkins to Perform

Only by changing his regular radio broadcast from the New York studies to Boston has Ray Perkins been able to promise to appear tonight, bringing the Yardlings some of the humor that has amused radio audiences for years.

Coming directly from their own opening performance, several of the cast from "Keep Off the Grass" will bring on the finale of tonight's festivities.
