
Various Exhibits Now on Display in Widener Library

Theatre, Science, War Propaganda, Chinese History Fields Illustrated

As you enter the College Library, you are confronted with a host of ancient Chinese manuscripts inscribed during the Sung, Yuan, Ming, and Ching dynasties, or, between 960 and 1795 A.D. This is a veritable treasure house of knowledge... if you can read Chinese. Those of us whose knowledge of foreign languages, however, is determined by the language requirement must look elsewhere for higher culture. This knowledge can be found without leaving the confines of Widener.

War Propaganda

Students of Government will be very interested in the collection of propaganda and other documents of World Wars one and two to be found on the ground floor and on the stair landing. There are actual copies of the famous "Pamphlet Raids" over Germany.

Science concentrators, especially in Physics, will enjoy the second floor exhibit of "The History of Electricity" which includes rare books as well as early and modern experiment apparatus.

Lunt and Fontanne


On the dramatic side there is the Theatre Collection, consisting of programs, memoirs, etc., of Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontanne, who just finished playing at the Colonial. Don't forget however, that Harry Widener's collection of rare books is always in the Widener Room, and that they never refuse students permission to look over the books.
