

Ann Corio Doesn't Like to Hide Things"; Loves Harvard

A lot came off last night in the Crimson network studios when Ann Corio, queen of strip-tease artists, was interviewed in the final broadcast of the year.

First was revealed to listening Harvard the bare facts of a burlesque star's real life the one thing you cannot learn about at the Old Howard Athencaum. Moreover, Ann kept consternation at a high pitch by giving a lesson in the fundamentals--o-h-h gentlemen!--of her own style of winning friends and influencing people's libido. (See cut?)

Harvard's Sweetheart

The real significance of Queen Ann's visit to Harvard, though, lies deep in the hearts of the boys at the studio who think her charm, ready wit, and unassuming manner maker her Harvard's sweetheart. And she loves Harvard "gentlemen".

Rushed from her hotel to the studio by William Braden '41, Assistant Program Director, Miss Corio starred in repartee while being interviewed by Stanley O. Beren '41, Lawrence Lader '41, and Braden.


She disclosed that she got her start in burlesque because she always wanted to dance, but "thought clothes were encumbering". Her mind was made up when an astrologer revealed that she was born under the sign Sagittarius, which means she is frank, open, and "doesn't like to hid things."

Yale Doesn't Rank

Highlight of the interview was when Ann divided her audience into three classes: Men, gentlemen, and others. She was quite definite in stating that Harvardians belonged in the "gentlemen" category. People from Yale are "others".

Miss Corio's talent is far from being as one-tracked as the interest of a Howard audience. During the vacations she acts in summer theatres. Last summer she was at Brattle Hall. At present she is finishing her first book, an autobiography, written in collaboration with George Frazier of Harvard. Her own troupe of entertainers travels with her. She is proud of her Girls in Blue chorus, and thinks it may contain future stars. "A girl, though," he says, "he to reveal certain talents before she can take it off".

Thrilled by Harvard

After posing for newspaper photographers, Ann left a souvenier in the Studio comment book: "This has been a thrilling and happy experience for me--I've been to Harvard." P.S.--How about an MOGS Degree.

Would-be daters had better be warned. The last time she went out with an admirer whom she most through friends, she walked him around the Common for an hour and then stopped for hot chocolate. All the friend could say was "Gosh, I can't believe I'm out with Ann Corio."
