
Steele Inaugurates Job Advice Service

Interviews, Aptitude Tests Help Students In Choice of Professions

With the completion on of his work as the University's special adviser on the draft, John S. Steele will inaugurate a new Vocational Advice service in Phillips Brooks House, it was announced yesterday.

The object of Steel's work will be to assist students in finding what they are best fitted to do. It will not be a jobfinding service, although it will give out specific information on businesses and the opportunities in them.

The method Steel will use is to interview the inquiring student on his interests and, if he is unable to decide what the student should do, to give him aptitude tests. Having ascertained the field in which the applicant is most likely to be successful, Steele will supply him with data covering all its phases.

This data has been collected over a period of some twenty years during which vocational placement has become a complete science.

Steele's office hours, on the second floor of Phillips Brooks House, are on Tuesday and Thursday from 9 to 5 o'clock.
