

Grants Extended To Six Departments Include Twenty-eight Students

Twenty-eight awards totalling $15,585 have been awarded by the University for graduate study during the present academic year, it was announced yesterday. The awards are as follows:

In the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences: Joseph Hodges Choate memorial fellowship to Michael Greenberg, of Cambridge, England. Sheldon travelling fellowship in philosophy to George D. W. Berry, of Grand Lodge, Mich. Leon W. Redpath scholarship to Paul B. Metzler 1G., of Mansfield, O. Stoughton scholarship to Joseph Greenberg 1G., of Mattapan, Mass. George W. Dillaway fellowship to Ward MacL. Hussey 1G., of Chicago, Ill.

Other awards included: Emerton fellowship to David Spring 2G of Toronto, Ont., Canada. Ralph Sanger Scholarship to Albert Plerce 2G, of Mount Vernon, N. Y. University fellowships to Robert A. Rennie 2G., of Blackstone, Mass.; and David Spring 2G., of Toronto, Ont., Canada. Whiting fellowship to Beverly C. Dunn, Jr., 1G., of Seattle, Wash. Jay Backus Woodworth fellowship to Roy L. Griggs 2G., of Columbia, Mo. George B. Emerson fellowship to Clyde Reed 1G., of Baltimore, Md. Virginia Barrett Gibbs scholarship to Theodore R. Swem 1G., of Baltimore, Md. Virginia Barrett Gibba Scholarship to Theodore R. Swem 1G., of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Sheldon Travelling fellowship in classics to Arthur F. Stocker, of Fargo, N. Dak.

Special University fellowship to Morton A. Brown 2G., of Toledo, O.

In the School of Education, awards were given as follows: University scholarship to Edward McD. Fritz 1G and G. Ed., of Baltimore, Md. Austin scholarship to Richard H. Wellor 1G and G. Ed., of Brookline, Upper Darby, Pa.


In the Engineering School the fellowship of the Air Hygiene Foundation of America went to Bernard D. Tebbens 3E., of Belmont, Mass., and the Gordon McKay scholarships to Joseph B. Eustis 1E., of New Orleans, La.; Roscoe H. Goeke 1E., of Spokane, Wash.; and Herbert F. Welsh 1E., of Philadelphia, Pa.

In the Law School the Kirkpatrick scholarship was given to Engene H. Cavin 1L., of Galveston, Tox., Research fellowship to Marcel deBaer, Grad. L., of Bouchout, Belgium, and the Sidney Thompson Fairchild scholarship to Lawrence M. Levinson 3L., of Miami, Fla.

In the Business School the A. Shuman scholarship went to Walter M. King 2G.B., of Richmond, Ind., and the Harvard Business School scholarships, to David B. Albright 1G.B., of Akron, O.; and James H. Gilmour 1G.B., of Detroit, Mich.
