
Vander Eb Goes to End Post as Gridders Scrimmage for Full Hour in Light Drizzle

Harlow Shifts Sophomore From Backfield to Strengthen Wing Squad

To bolster up a shaky end squad that is now his number one problem, Dick Harlow yesterday shunted Sophomore Hank Vander Eb, husky blocking back, to left wing on the B team.

The move came as a surprise, since Vander Eb has had no previous experience at end. But it has been no secret that Harlow's flank men were not panning out too well. And Joe Koufman, promising Junior end who was ineligible last year, will be hors de combat for several more days with a body injury.

Devine Looks Good

One of the bright spots, however, in yesterday afternoon's damp 60 minute scrimmage was the work of Jim Devine, A team right end, who looked good on the receiving end of Captain Torbie Macdonalds's tosses.

There was a good deal of passing in yesterday's scrimmage, particularly in the last twenty minutes, as Harlow sought to polish the jagged edges off his aerial attack. The experience in handling a wet ball will come in handy, since the Harlow system, based on precision and deception rather than on powerhouse tactics, has often bogged down in the rain.


As the A team lined up for scrimmage yesterday. It included Downing l.c., O'Loughlin l.t., Lowry l.g., Ayres c., Hallett r.g., Healey r.t., Devine r.e., Coleman q.b., Macdonald h.b., Summers h.b., and Spreyer f.b.

The B team players were Vander Eb l.c., Tudor Gardiner l.t., Peabody l.g., Grover c., Sargeant r.g., Tom Gardiner r.t., Kelly r.e., Lyman and Curtis q.b., Lee and Buckley h.b., Hoar h.b., and Brown f.b.
