
Lacrosse Team Suffers 11-5 Loss at Hands of Bulldogs

Saturday Match With Yale Results In Crimson Disaster

Although starting out well, the Varsity lacrosse team soon lost an initial 2 to 1 lead and bowed to the Elis 11 to 5 in the final game of the season Saturday at New Haven.

Coach Skip Stahley was very disappointed in the outcome, but admitted hat the Yale ten was far superior and leserved its victory. Poor stick handling and a faulty defense by the Crimson resulted in one Blue tally after another, as Captain Phil Hammond vainly tried to organize his men to an efficient offensive.


Goals--Henry 6, Waldmann 3, Ott, Sweeney, Zouck 2, Halstead, Hammond, Harrison 1. HARVARD  YALE Hanford, g.  g., Atkins Livingston, pt.  pt., Cole Gilbert,, Batty Blotner, 1d.  1d., Hopgood Halstead, 2d.  2d., Madden Willard, c.  c., Ott Zouck, 2a.  2a., Henry Anderson, 1a.  1a., Sweeney Hammond, o.h.  o.h., Waldmann Riocken, i.h.  i.h., Bolton
