

Applicants Must State if They Wish To Be Admitted to a House Not Named on Their Blank

Application blanks for admission to the Houses are now in the bands of the members of the Freshman class and are available to the Classes of 1940 and 1941. All Sophomores and Juniors who wish House accommodations next year must apply at University 4, even though their names are already on the waiting list.

Simultaneously with the distribution of admission blanks, it was announced that Freshmen would be eligible for meals in the Houses. Fourteen meals, two in each House are permitted between now and April 13 in order that Freshmen may become acquainted with the different features of the Houses. "Transfer charge slips" must be obtained in advance, and only ten men will be allowed into any one House for the same meal.

The blanks are similar in form to those distributed during the last few years, asking for information which will be of assistance in making the assignments, such as special claims for wishing to be admitted to a particular House, the House of second choice, price of room, academic standing, and proposed field of concentration.

A Third Chance

The only change in the blanks this year is the addition of a question asking the candidate whether he wishes to be admitted to another House provided he is unsuccessful in his first two choices, thus giving him an opportunity to be considered when the Central Committee and Masters meet to go over the situation before the final assignment.


Personal interviews with House representatives will again be required before the applications can be filed. These representatives will be available from March 20 until April 13 except for the Easter recess.
