


Wes Fesler's Varsity cagers reach the end of a long and weary 1939 hoop trail tonight against the Elis of Yale at Now Haven with two regulars and two substitutes making their final appearance in Crimson spangles.

Captain Lupe Lupien leads his victory-hungry five for the last time, and Fred Heckel also bows out of competition against the favored Blue tonight. Other Seniors who are certain to see action in the tilt are handy man Dick Sullivan and center Tread Ruml. The Feslermen need a win tonight to pull the Elis down with them in a tie for the cellar in the final E. I. L. standings.

A Cantab triumph would throw the mythical Big Three race into a triple tie with Princeton, Yale and Harvard each having two wins and two defeats. By upsetting the Elis, the Crimson could salvage something from an otherwise disastrous season and turn in the pleasant achievement of whipping a Loeffler-coached team.

The Feslermen are still licking their wounds as a result of the last Yale and Penn games, and they will also enter this evening's fray minus the services of Sophomore guard Bob James who suffered a recurrence of his football injury Wednesday night in the Quaker clash. Coach Loeffler's squad rates as the favorite, but an upset is not at all beyond the realm of possibility. In fact, if the Crimson ever cash in on a few of their shots or do some driving, they may get somewhere.

Charley Lutz and Chet Legg appear to be Coach Fesler's nominees for the forward posts, and as usual, Homer Peabody will be at center. Lupe Lupien and Sam White are the starting guards. For the Elis, Ken Loeffler will rely on forwards Ben Sullivan and Chuck Kellogg, center Al Stevens, and guards George Page and Tom Erickson to repulse the invasion.


Yardlings Face Blue Cubs Here

Returning from the blues of New Haven to the Indoor Athletic Building, we find that the Yardling basketball five coached by Skip Stahley pulls down the curtain on a highly successful season when it entertains the Eli cubs at 8 o'clock.

And the entertainment should be highly satisfactory for Harvard fans, because Will Webber, Mike Rice, Ed Rothschild, Ed Buckley, and Bud Finegan are primed to make things hot for the boys in Blue. This is the season's finale for the Yardlings, and they are ready to shoot the works.
