
Snyder and Radway Excluded From Album Committee Ballot

Senior Balloting Continues at House Polling Places, Sever And Emerson

Because two names were omitted from the ballots in yesterday's initial voting for upperclass officers, the election of members to the Junior Album Committee has been declared illegal, the committee in charge revealed last night.

Voting for the executives of the 1940 yearbook will take place, instead, on March 14 and 15 along with the second group of Senior elections for Secretary, Permanent Class Committee, and Class Day Committee.

A 'Mistake' Only

"Just a silly mistake' was the way the election committee explained last night why the names of Allen L. Snyder '40 and Lawrence I. Radway '40 were not on the lists when the polls opened in several classrooms and dining halls yesterday.

Robert L. Green '39 and Charles I. Burwell '39, Council-members in charge of balloting for the Junior officerships said that votes cast today would be burned. The election of the eight Senior positions, however, will continue as usual tomorrow.


The casting of ballots for the three 1939 marshals, treasurer, chorister, orator, odist and poet will take place today from 9:45 to 10:15 o'clock and from 11:45 to 12:15 o'clock in Harvard, Emerson, and Sever Halls, and in the House Dining Halls, including Dudley, at the lunch hour.

Nominations by '40 Group

The Junior Album nominations were made by a committee appointed by the Student Council, headed by Garfield H. Horn '40. He was assisted by Thomas V. Healey and John S. Stillman, both of the Junior Class. They disclaimed all responsibility for today's error and said that the fault was made by the group in charge of election, consisting of Green and Burwell.

The election committee said that voting for other Senior officers would proceed as usual two weeks from today, and that Junior ballots could be obtained at the regular polling places. They said that the Senior committee in charge of the nominations for marshalships would publish a slate for the 14 other positions soon.
