

Freshman Quintet Travels to Hanover To Meet Dartmouth Cubs -- Holds Good Record So Far

Wes Fesler's Varsity hoopmen are due for another tough evening when they move into the Palestra at Philadelphia tonight to tangle with a rapidly improving Quaker quintet. An ordinary Pennsylvania team would be enough to trip the anaemic Feslermen this year, but those Red and Blue cagers are really on the way up to a contending position in the E. I. L.

To do justice to the Crimson, however, it must be said that they turned in one of their poorest games of the season Wednesday night in the Columbia tilt. The Lions had things pretty much their own way for three-quarters of the contest, and the Feslermen are hoping to stay in the ball game a lot longer this time.

The Lineups

Victors in their last two league encounters, the Quakers will start Tony Mischo and Chuck Diven at the forwards, Swede Gustafson at center, and Captain Pace Brickley and Gerry Sneeders in the backcourt. Harvard's starters are slated to be Charley Lutz, Fred Heckel, Homer Peabody, Capt. Luplen and Sam (jitterbug) White.

Coach Fesler's five is hanging precariously close to the cellar occupants, the Elis, in the E. I. L., and a win over the Quakers would work wonders for the Crimson. This is their eighth league clash of the year against league opposition.


'42 Hoopmen go to Hanover

Skip Stahley's Freshmen cagers face one of their most important tests of the schedule when they journey to Hanover to match shots with a strong Dartmouth cub quintet. The Feslermen boast a record of 12 wins in 13 starts which they will risk against the "Little Green" today.
