
Adams Triumphs Over Eliot As Dudley Noses Out Dunster

Gold Coasters Triumph 13-0 As Commuters Win 7-0 in Initial House Games

Adams and Dudley's football teams drew first blood in the inter-House league yesterday afternoon by winning the opening games of the season. Adams overcame Eliot by a 13-0 score, while the Commuters were edging Dunster, 7-0.

The Gold Coasters took the lead in the second quarter after a sustained drive down the field, most of which was composed of power plays. Wally Chessman carried the ball over from the six yard line and Bill Becker dropkicked the point.

Chub Lee ran 35 yards in the third quarter to score the second Adams touchdown after Eliot had fumbled deep in its own territory. The kick for point was wide.

Eliot Completes Passes

The Elephants were not totally out-played, although Adams held the edge in first downs and in total yards gained. The "Merrimen" got their pass offense in order late in the game, but too late to score.


Sam Halpern scored Dudley's lone touchdown after the Commuters had carried the ball half the length of the field. John Santosnomo made the point, carrying the ball over the line after an attempted place kick had been blocked by the Dunster line.

Lowell, Leverett Win at Touch

In the touch-football league, the Gold Coasters' team went down to defeat before a strong Lowell eleven, paced by rangy Sam White's interceptions. Leverett shaded Eliot, 8-6.

Coaches in the House Football League, as announced this week by Adolph W. Samborski '25, Director of Intra-mural Athletics, are: Adams, F. C. Cady, Yale; Dunster, Robert Reed, Southern California; Dudley, Bill Waldron, Union College; Kirkland, bernard D. White '32; Leverett, John R. Martin, Rice Institute; Lowell; Tony O'Donnell, Amherst; and Winthrop, Robert Zwebell, U. C. L. A.

Samborski Announces Council

Samborski also announced the Under-graduate Athletic Council for this year, composed of the House Athletic Secretaries. The Council members follow: Joseph A. Wyant, Winthrop, president; William F. Pennebaker, Leverett, vice-president; Dean R. Noyes, Dunster; Harold Glickman, Dudley; George Dana, Eliot, George B. Lyons, Kirkland; Edmund J. Docring, Lowell; William J. Bingham '16, Director of Athletics; Clarence H. Haring, Robert Woods Bliss Professor of Latin-American History and Economics and Master of Dunster House, and Samborski.

House games today are Lowell vs. Winthrop and Kirkland vs. Leverett. The Puritans and the Deacons are expected to win, but the Bellboys will be putting up a tough fight and may surprise the larger Winthrop team.

In the touch league, Kirkland plays Dunster and Dudley meets Winthrop. All games begin at 3:15 o'clock.
