
Hooton Plans War to Benefit Mankind Which Would Be Fought by Misfits

Professor of Anthropology Writes Of "War To End All Wars" In A. P. Article

"Regiments of schizophrenics, paranoiacs and manic-depressives" would have to fight in a real "war to end war" according to an article written for the Associated Press Feature Service by Earnest A. Hooton, professor of Anthropology.

His plan for a war in which "mankind might derive a biological benefit" requires that the minimum age limit for service should be set at 45 years. Professor Hooton also adds that he would send out the statesmen and diplomats that make wars "to lead reconnoitering parties, as did the late General Werner von Fritsch."

The article follows the lines of his latest book, "Twilight of Mankind," which sets forth his thesis that man is declining. While writing for the Associated Press, Professor Hooton made the statement, "The masters of our destiny are too wise to conduct a war on the lines I have laid down."

He adds the final denunciation that "the fittest and best of the nations are sent out to be killed, and the trash stay at home to breed more trash and plan more wars." It is in answer to this situation that Professor Hooton would send both the mentally deficient and the congenitally deformed to fight the wars.
