
Ski Professional Advises Beginner Of Average Ability to Use Lacquer, Wax

"Wax Makes Turns Easier," States Warren Raymond; Lacquer Is Universal

"Most beginners in skiing feel that their skis should not be waxed because it might make them go too fast," said Warren Raymond, ski professional with the Asa C. Osborn Co., yesterday.

"As a matter of fact, if the skis aren't waxed, they are going to catch so much that the skier won't be able to do anything correctly," he said.

"For instance, if you're coming down a hill and your skis catch on the snow, when you go to turn you will be off balance. The ski that slides the easiest will turn the easiest."

Mr. Raymond explained that in the days when skiing was new in this region, waxing was a science which only experts could understand. The "universal waxes" sold to the average skier in those days were far from satisfactory.

"That picture has been changed by the introduction of a lacquer on the running surfaces of skis. The lacquer is painted on, dries quickly, and forms a protective covering as well as an adequate base for the application of snow-type waxes."


Lacquer used purely from a universal standpoint is more successful than the old-type universal waxes, he explained.

"Of course it is almost impossible to climb with a lacquer base on the skis, so for practice slope work, some one of the climbing slope waxes can be used to help out. But in any climb of extended length it is much better to use the very efficient plushskin or moleskin."

When using a ski tow, Raymond explained, no wax of any kind is necessary except the base lacquer.

For slalom, down hill, or cross country racing, wax technique is a very important factor in the final results.

"Taking two runners of equal ability," he said, "the me who has most successfully waxed for the snow and weather conditions encountered will invariably be the winder."

This need not concern the average skier however, for the lacquer will serve him.
