

Ross-Froshay Duel Features Meet, With Daughaday and Boston Matches

With one of their toughest matches in front of them, the wrestlers have to go their hardest in the opening contest of the season. In the Indoor Athletic Building, tomorrow, at three o'clock they face the Tigers.

One of the most closely fought duels known to Harvard wrestling will go into one of its later phases, as Captain Harvey Ross and Princeton's Froshay will try to determine who is the superior. Last year, Ross defeated his opponent in the dual meet with Princeton, but lost to him again at the Eastern Collegiate matches. Tomorrow, at least for the time being, will decide the victor.

Ross Has Great Team Spirit

Ross at 121 pounds seems to have shown in the past that he can wrestle better as a member of a team than he can when he is trying to win for himself. This is supported by the fact that he only lost one decision and a fall during the entire season, while he was unable to forge on past the first round of the Easterns. Then again Froshay may have bolstered himself sufficiently in the last match to clinch the duel. At all events the match promises to be close.

Another real battle is expected between the sixty-fivers of the two teams, Bill Daughaday for the Crimson and Gifford for the Bengals. Both wrestlers are outstandingly fast. Gifford, if any one, holds the edge on his count. He was once responsible for keeping ex-Captain Harkness, last year's National Champion in the 175 pound weight, to a decision when the latter was grappling in the lighter weight. Coach Pat Johnson has dubbed him a "wild man."


Boston Looks Good

Pressing the other two matches close for first honors on the point of hard wrestling is the unlimited bout between the Harvard footballer "Chief" Boston and Princeton footballer Bokum.

The only other veterans of varsity matches on the team are Richter and Gardiner, wrestling 136 and 175 respectively. Richter enters his match the decided underdog, because his opponent, Palmer, is one of the Bengal standouts. He and Froshay are the only veterans on the Princeton team.

Tudor Gardiner has only wrestled a single bout for the varsity and that was in the Brown contest last year. His opponent, Karkless, is slightly favored, and many claim that he is as good as Smith who was defeated by Harkness last year.

The rest of the Crimson array is an unknown quantity and is drawn from the stars of last year's undefeated freshman team. Ted Schoenberg, who won every one of his bouts by a fall last year is to face Eberle. "Bunny" Barnes,
