
Varsity Basketeers to Seek Revenge Tonight as Blue Hoopsters Threaten

But After Crushing Dartmouth Quintet Is Choice Over Bulldog Hoopmen

HARVARDYALE Litman, r.f.  l.f., McKellar Lowman, l.f.  r.f., Frantz Herrick, c.  c., Norton Struck, r.g.  l.g., Stevens Lupien, l.g.  r.g., Erickson

Four starters and two substitutes finish their Harvard basketball careers tonight in the concluding game of what may be the Crimson's best hoop season, against the Eli quintet in the Indoor Athletic Building at 8:45 o'clock.

Following their upset victory over the championship Dartmouth five Wednesday, the Crimson will be shooting for their seventh win of the year and for sure possession of the circuit runner-up position. In addition the Fesler team will be defending its record of nine consecutive wins on the home floor.

Handicapped by a mid-year examination lay-off, the Crimson fell before an unexpected Eli assault in the two teams' first meeting at New Haven last month. With renewed confidence after trouncing the exalted Indians, the Cantabs are set to wipe out the stain of that defeat tonight.


A win over Yale this evening would bring the Crimson season to seven victories, against five defeats, insuring a share of the second position. If Princeton again trips Penn and if Cornell downs Columbia, Harvard will have undisputed hold on the runner-up spot.

Still suffering with an infected foot, Sophomore Charlie Lutz will be unable to join his Crimson mates in tonight's attempt to avenge the Eli defeat. In his place will probably be Arnie Litman, a flashy Senior who has been on the verge of brilliancy in several appearances this year.

Two other Seniors will be on the front line: Red Lowman, veteran first stringer of three seasons, at forward, and John Herrick, who in his first year on the first team, leads the Crimson scorers with 84 points tallied from his center post.

Captain Vernon Struck will be the fourth starter closing his basketball playing days here and will be at his usual guard spot along with Ulysses Lupien, the only Junior on the starting five. John Dampeer and Dick Wills, Senior replacements, will doubtlessly see action tonight in place of either Struck or Lupien.

The Elis, who have won only three of 11 league contests, will open tonight with their usual lineup of which only their captain, Carroll Frantz, is a Senior. Together with Frantz at forward is Doug McKellar, flanking John Norton at center, while Al Stevens and Tom Erickson, outstanding members of the five, will be at the guards.

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