
Bingham, Dean Morgan Differ on Issue Of Use of New Hemenway by Graduates

But Both Agree That No Division Of University Shall Use It Exclusively

Differences of opinion over whether or not athletic facilities available to Law School students are adequate apparently developed yesterday between Acting Dean Morgan and William J. Bingham, Director of Athletics, in the controversy over the used of the new Hemenway Gymnasium.

Widespread discontent among the graduates, who had been led to believe they would have the full benefit of the new sports center, spread early this week when authorities announced that half of the new squash courts would be reserved for Varsity players.

Must Be Open to All

While both Morgan and Bingham agreed that the policy of opening athletic buildings to all members of the University should not be violated in this case, the latter felt that the creation of 12 new courts gave more opportunity to law students to exercise than over before.

"I'm not in the controversy personally," Morgan said, admitting that his was picked up on rumor only. "It seems to me as if there wouldn't be enough room in Hemenway to serve the purposes of 1400 men."


Bingham pointed out that the squash courts vacated by Varsity teams would throw open new reserve facilities for the law scholars and that the agreement had been satisfactory to a committee composed of Dean Landis, John W. Lowes '19 (acting for President Conant), and himself.

The Varsity squad has sought the facilities of the New Hemenway because there are no regulation courts in the Linden street building.
