

Dancing, Luncheons, Sports, Play, Pops, and Commencement Exercises Fill Long Awaited Celebration

Today begins the 25th Reunion of the Class of 1912. Starting of 9 o'clock this morning when the first of the returning graduates registers at the Union, plans made early last winter will be well on their way to being carried out.

Plans for the Reunion were started in January with the publication of the first issue of the "Twelve Twenty-Five Express," the class magazine. Contained in that number was a satirical retrospect in the manner of John Tunis '11 by one of the Class of 1912's sons, Robert Benchley.

Humorist Benchley bemoaned the fact that his "sobering statistics" show "that practically nothing of consequence has been accomplished by the members of the class in a quarter of a century. The Class has produced only one Bishop of Albania and in all these years, only one member has been elected Village Clerk of Hewlett Harbor, L. I.

The four day program starts off this morning with registration in the Union of Class members and their families from 9 o'clock to 2. At 4:15 a memorial service for the deceased members of the Class will be held in the Memorial Church. From 8:30 to 10 o'clock the whole company will attend a production entitled "The Twelve Twenty-Five Parade," an extravaganza written, staged, and produced by the members of the Class, their wives, sons, and daughters. After the performance there will be dancing at the Union until midnight.

Tomorrow is for sports. Classmates and their older sons go to the Weston Golf Club for luncheon, while wives and youngster children spend the day at the Essex Club at Manchester-by-the-Sea. In the evening the party will attend a Pop Concert at Symphony Hall.


Wednesday, after breakfast, the whole party will have more sports on Soldiers Field. At noon a buffet luncheon will be served at Eliot House, after which the members of the Class join the march to the Stadium, and wives and children go to the section reserved for them. In the evening there will be dancing for the Reunion party at the Somerset.

Thursday, classmates will attend the Commencement exercises in the morning and have luncheon at the chief marshal's and the 1912 spread in the Yard. The members of the Class will then join the procession to the alumni exercises in the Sever Quadrangle. From 4 to 6 o'clock farewell gathering will be held at the Union.
