
Wielders of the Rawhide Neta White-Wash Brown

Hammond Leads Crimson With Four Tallies; Yardlings Lose

Continuing its winning way, the Varsity lacrosse team routed Brown by a score of 12-0 on the Business School-field yesterday. The high scoring stickmen penetrated the Bruin nets in every period, Hammond setting the pace with four goals.

By this victory the Stahleymen extended their winning streak to six games. They are undefeated at home and have turned back all their New England opponents to date.

Yardlings Defeated

In a hard-fought game which resolved into a goalies' battle, the Freshmen were turned back by the Brown Freshmen 1-0. The only score of the game came early in the fourth period. Chief thorn in the Yardling side was Barney, the Brown net-minder.
