
Events Scheduled for Class Week Announced Today

Applications for Tickets to All Events Included in Material Sent to Seniors

Announcements of the Class Day Week program from Saturday, June 20 through Friday, June 25 were sent out yesterday to all members of the Class of 1937 by the committee, headed by George S. Ford '37. In addition to a list of activities, were applications for reservations to the various events.

Sunday, the first day of the celebration, will witness the Baccalaureate services with the address by President Conant, to be followed by a reception at 17 Quincy Street. On the following day the Senior Spread and Dance will be held at Lowell House.

The Class Oration, Poem, and Ode will take place Wednesday, while during the afternoon the Seniors will march to Soldiers Field to watch the Yale baseball game.

Commencement exercises will occur Thursday morning, June 24, in Sever Quadrangle, with the Phi Beta Kappa ceremonies on the final day, Friday, June 25. Boat races and a second baseball with Yale Friday at New London conclude the activities.
