

With the receding and quieting of the waters disturbed by Mr. Curley last Wednesday when he called public attention to be "slur" upon his name there emerges clear and bright the bottom of the affair. It is obvious that Professor Seavey's comparison of the ex-governor with Chicago's notorious Thompson was an analogy unintended to be malicious. There few men in the teaching profession so tactless and unaware of their position as to harass a living public name openly and directly, especially when the son of that name sits in their classroom.

The fact that the Boston papers gave slight space and less editorial comment to Mr. Curley's huff is proof enough that his attitude is one of simple pettiness and his publicizing an example of unsubtle politics. Undoubtedly Mr. Curley hopes what Professor Seavey believes, that like Thompson he will be re-elected mayor of Boston next November.

It seems also rather small of Mr. Curley if he forces his namesake to resign from the Law School. More slanderous remarks have been made about a greater public official than was Mr. Curley, yet the does not see cause for his sons to withdraw from Cambridge. Professor Seavey's letter of apology and acceptance of the entire blame should end the affair at once. In addition, his hope that the resigned-to-be will return marks him as a true Boston gentleman, if not a better politician than Mr. Curley.
