
The Crimson Moviegoer


"Waikiki Wedding" has a beginning and an ending and a middle. The middle takes up an hour and 15 minutes; it might have taken considerably less. "Waikiki Wedding" is a string of pearls, imitation. They consist of Bob Burns and Martha Raye and numerous semi-humorous incidents; Bing Crosby and Shirley Ross and numerous semi-romantic incidents; and numerous biological implications. The latter are of course the concomitant of anything and everything Hawalian in the layman's eye. "Waikiki Wedding" consists of practically anything and everything Hawalian in the layman's eye, from hula to volcano, from pineapples to, of all people Crosby.

"Waikiki Wedding" is pleasant to behold if you like Bing's voice, semi-Hawalian music, and genuine pictures of a schooner under sail; tiresome if you think Martha Haye's mouth is to big for her face. The string itself is a not too substantial plot of how the champion pineapple salesman sells himself while trying to sell his product. But the show is not to be condemned for being unsubstantial, because that is just what it tries not to be. Rather this is something aimed directly to please the not too demanding sense.

To the credit of "Marked Woman" be it said that it brings Botte Davis back to America at a time when the American film audiences are in need of a few pictures about fallen women. American morals, especially New York morals, especially the morals of rich New Yorkers and provincials visiting New York, are definitely low, as everybody knows. If they were not, there would be no "clip joint" racketeers like the one who is the villian of this piece. If he were not in it Miss Davis could not be wronged. And that is her specialty, the thing she does before all other actresses realistically playing the wronged and fallen woman.

In this case she comes clean and in company with the district attorney, Humphrey Dogart, turns on her one-time employer. And if you go to the film, she's going to make you boil at that onetime employer, the screen replica of Lucky Luciano and all his crew. The producers and actors put teeth in this one.
