

It is good to stop a minute, now that the press of the country is fairly alive with gladness at the Littauer School, its Dean, and his program, and think how this unique institution happened. Right after the war Mr. Littauer would have been asked to endow the Business School or the Chemical Department, but 1935 was the turn of the Social Sciences. Since the needs of each part of the University are studies and carefully rated and the drives are timed and coordinated accordingly, facts do not echo the old cry that Harvard is passive and haphazard about its gifts.

It is nearly true that President Conant cannot meet five or more alumni without asking for gifts to his free income, whence comes assistance to rigid department budgets drowned in shifting streams of concentration. Added to his personal plea are the ceaseless, subtle machinery of the Harvard Fund, the Twenty Fifth Anniversary Gift, the departments' committees, and the groups of Overseers. With so many persons working full time and so much thought being given by high officers to this problem, the unending complaints of special blocs seem unfair.
