
Dean Hanford Repeats Stand On Riots in Letter to Bishop

Answers Middlesex Country Officer, Regrets Disturbances

Replying to a letter sent to the presidents of Harvard, M.I.T. and Tufts by Warren L. Bishop, district attorney of Middlesex County, which said that drastic action would be taken in the event of future student riots, Dean A. C. Hanford yesterday reiterated his statement printed in the CRIMSON of May 4 concerning such disturbances.

Dean Hanford, speaking for President Conant by mail, indicated that the University's endorsing possible expulsion for undergraduates participating in riots remains unchanged. His official statement, issued the morning after the May 3 fracas, deplored riots.

The Dean concluded his communication by saying: "We wish to assure you that the office of the college is much disturbed. We regret the conduct students have shown making it necessary for you to write."
