
The Music Box

Metropolitan Opera Association Opening This Evening at the Opera House

For two seasons, the Metropolitan Opera Association has come to Boston for one week of grand opera. Previous successes have induced the Association to remain here for ten days this year, presenting a total of twelve performances. This evening is the opening night and it is expected that many a top hat is being dusted off for the occasion, and many a tiara removed from its safe deposit box.

"Tristan und Isolde" is this evening's opera and should prove as fine here as it has in New York during the past winter.

Kirsten Flagstad, who has justly proved such a sensation, will sing the role of Isolde--a part no less grueling than that of Brunhilde in the Ring which she is also to sing here in Boston. The role of Tristan is to be taken by the well known Wagnerian tenor, Lauritz Melchior. This part is without doubt one of the most thankless in all grand opera from the acting standpoint, for during the entire last act, Mr. Melchior is forced to toss feverishly on a couch in death agonies while at the same time singing a long and rather dull part. Few tenors have been able to bounce up and down in a realistically painful manner.

Other operas follow through the remainder of this week and next, the final performance being given on April 10. Few seats are available for any opera except "Les Contes d'Hoffmann" which is being given on Thursday afternoon, April 8.

Srtadivarius Quartet


The Stradivarius Quartet, certainly one of the finest string groups in America, is to give a concert in Fogg this evening at 8 p.m. This is an excellent opportunity to hear chamber music well played and the occasion should not be missed.

The Boston Symphony Orchestra is on tour this week, but on the week-end of April 9 and 10 they will return to play an all-Brahms program with Myra Hess, the English pianist, as soloist. The Academic Festival Overture will open the program and will be followed by the Second Pianoforte Concerto in B flat in which Myra Hess will play. Brahms' Second Symphony in D major will close the concert.

Coming Events

Gilbert and Sullivan performances by the D'Oyly Carte Company are scheduled to open in Boston April 12 and continue for several weeks. "The Great Waltz" is returning for a two week engagement which also begins on the twelfth.Myra Hess
