

Rising Food Costs Make It Necessary For Increased Meal Rates to Remain the Same

Despite a tendency toward increased cost of food, House Dining Half and meal rates will probably remain at their present levels for the coming academic year, Aldrich Durant '02, Business Manager of the University, announced yesterday.

The House rates at present are $9.25 for 21 meals, $7.75 for 14 meals, and $6.75 for 10 meals, while the Freshmen pay a flat rate of $8.50 for 21 meals. On an individual meal basis; breakfast costs $.35, lunch $.55, and dinner $.80.

The rates in effect prior to the inauguration of the present rates at the beginning of the academic year 1936-37, were considerably under normal it was pointed out. Those rates were $.75 a week under the present amount charged and the University was able to maintain them only because the price of food was so much less 4 years ago than it is now.

Rising Prices Balance Surplus

So far this year the revenue from the Dining Halls has shown a surplus, but as this is turned immediately back into the Halls, and as there is little or no chance that the food prices will drop, it seems likely, Durant stated, that the present rates will remain as they are for the academic year 1937-38.


The rates were moved up last year because of a 19% increase in food costs, and a drop in surplus to a low of $6,152.

In the budget of the Dining Halls is an item of $40,000 appropriated for the Temporary Student Employment Plan. Two-thirds of this is from the House Dining Halls and one-third from the Union. The total budget of the Dining Hall system amounted to receipts of $812,500.00 last year and expenses of $806,347.00.
