
Council to Initiate Platform for Integrating Student Government

Internal Reform, Not Changes in Council Membership, Favored by Bilodeau, et al

Accepting its committee report off the closer coordination of College and House undergraduate government, the Student Council at a regular meeting last night voted down revision of Council membership. Instead, a platform of procedure reform within the body will take effect immediately.

There are five planks in this platform, three outstanding. The first provides immediate expression of the views of House and Dudley Hall chairmen on Council problems in their sphere, through the mediacy of House representatives on the Council. For, according to the Constitution, there must be at least one resident of each House and two non-residents on the central organization.

Plank two will give the chairmen direct advisory power in the selection of appointive members to the Council. By the Constitution eight Councilmen are non-elective, nine elective.

Annual organization of House chairmen in an informal inter-House body will be urged by the Student Council. Model is the present inter-House council which the dormitory leaders effected this year.

Finally, the President of the Freshman Class will assume relations with the Council in the manner outlined for chairmen in plank one, and through the mediacy of the Council member in charge of Yardlings. For the submitting of business the Dean's office will be notified of all Council meetings in advance, as will the College through the CRIMSON notice column.


Heading the committee on investigation was Thomas H. Bilodeau '37, member of the Winthrop House Committee. Working with him were Neil G. Melone '37 and Chester W. MacArthur '37, chairmen of the Eliot and Winthrop House Committees, and Morris Earle '38. The committee, in rejecting revision proposals, chief of which was the plan to automatically appoint House chairman to the Student Council, acted with the conferment of the 1937 inter-House council.
