
Council Starts Trials for Debaters Tonight at 7 P. M.

"Hours and Wages" Will Be Debated With Pennsylvania Thursday

Launching a full winter program, the Debating Council proceeds this week with trials for speakers at the Phillips Brooks House at 7 o'clock tonight, and a debate with the University of Pennsylvania in the Lowell House Common Room on Thursday night.

The proposition in the Pennsylvania debate is: "Resolved, That the federal government should be empowered to regulate maximum hours and minimum wages in industry." Harvard has the negative side, and will be represented by Donald McDonald '39, F. Welch Poel, Jr. '39, and Richard W. Sullivan '38.

Trials for the winter debates, open to all upperclassmen whether or not they are members of the Debating Council, will find the candidates delivering three-minute speeches on either side of one of three resolutions.
