

Crimson Speakers Will Argue Against Boilermakers on Wage and Hour Laws for Industry

For the first time in the history of Harvard debating, the Debating Council will meet a team from Purdue University, Thursday evening, March 4, in the Lowell House Common Room. Also the Council has made tentative plans for a mock trial and meets with girls' colleges for the near future.

Against Purdue the Crimson debaters will argue on the negative side of the subject, "Resolved, That Congress should be empowered to fix minimum wages and maximum hours for industry." Representing the Debating Council will be Richard Sullivan '38 and Joseph P. Healey '38. As is the custom with meets of this type, there will be no judge, but the audience will have the opportunity to question the debaters and discuss the subject at the close of the meet.

Proposals for debates have been sent to Radcliffe, Vassar, and Wellesley, reviving a custom long dropped at Harvard. In addition a colorful mock trial of General France with a prosecuting and defending attorney is being planned for a date to be announced later. All of the Debating Council's meets are open to students and their guests.

Freshman Debaters Win

In their first debate of the season. Freshman debaters won a 2 to 1 decision over an Exeter team last night in the Union.
