
Mother Advocate Features House Plan and Pushkin

Heterogeneous March Issue Will Appear Late in February

Among the features of the new Advocate will be an article on the House Plan by Alva W. Sulloway '38 and an article on Pushkin by Jeffrey Fuller '38. The cause of Fiction will be championed by Abbot McC. Washburn, Jr. '37 and Harry M. Brown, Jr. '40, the latter sharing top honors for new talent with Theodore S. Amussen '40.

Dudley H. Cloud 3G won considerable recognition from Harper's publishing house with his story "The Rough Spot" which appeared in the December issue. From the same issue the Oxford Group ordered 3000 reprints of "The Oxford Group and the World Crisis," by Hermann Hagerdorn '07, author of the Tercentenary Ode, "Harvard, What of the Light?"
