
Chase Introduces Weston as First Lecture Is Broadcast

Talk on "Dante" Is Relayed to World Over Station WIXAL

At 4:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon in Emerson D, George H. Chase '96, Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences, opened the first of the scheduled radio broadcasts of classroom lectures with a short introductory speech.

Through the non-commercial shortwave station WIXAL, in the Commercial Club in Boston, Dean Chase introduced George B. Weston '97, associate professor of Romance Languages, who delivered a lecture on "Daute", the first of a series of four talks on "Great Authors".

"We believe that this is the first time that such a program has been undertaken," said Dean Chase, who is chairman of the Harvard Broadcasting Committee, in his introduction.

The next address will be on next Wednesday at 4:30 o'clock, when John H. Walz, professor of the German Language and Literature, will speak on "Goethe".

WIXAL is maintained by a fund from the Rockefeller Foundation.
