

Freshman Hoopsters Sink St, George's 34 to 13--Tracksters Victorious Over Exeter 56-39

With hard-hitting Skiddy Von Stade smashing in eight goals, the Varsity polo team came from behind to nose out the Wilkes-Barre Whips by the score of 14 1/2 to 13 in Wilkes-Barre last Saturday.

The Crimson allowed the Whips a four-goal handicap but practically wiped it out by the end of the second chukker. In the third they went on to pile up the points which proved the margin of victory. Alan Winmill scored four goals for the Crimson and Fred Ayer, two. Harvey was high scorer for Wilkes-Barre with six goals.

Fencers Whip Brown

Sweeping through the foils, epee, and sabre competitions by the indentical scores of 7 to 2, the Varsity fencing team defeated Brown 21 to 6 at the Indoor Athletic Building on Saturday.

Leboeuf led the way for the Crimson in the foils, winning over Mayer, Williams, and Wolf of the Bruins by the score of 5-4, 5-2, and 5-0 respectively. Davis, with victories over Williams and Thurlow, and Long with victories over Williams and Thurlow, completed the Crimson triumphs.


In the epee, Zinsser stood out for Harvard, winning from Steel 2-1, Miller 2-1, and losing only to Williams of Brown 2-1. Batchelder's three triumphs at the sabre proved the decisive margin in that event. He won from Springer 5-4, from Steel 5-4, and from Traber 5-0.

The Yardling fencers were also triumphant over Brown by the score of 21 to 6. With Jones contributing three overwhelming victories, the Freshmen shut out the Bruins in the foils and squeezed through to a 5-4 win in the epee matches.
