

Submits Plans for More Cooperation Between the Council and All House Committees

In order to set up permanent headquarters for the Student Council, a committee of the council has been empowered to make recommendations and obtain estimates on furnishing a room on the second floor of Phillips Brooks House. The Committee consists of John B. Bowditch '37, president, George G. Hedblom '37, secretary, and Walter H. Page '37, treasurer.

The need for an office where permanent files of correspondence, records of meetings, and reports, could be kept has been felt for some time. It is also hoped that by having a permanent headquarters available to any Undergraduate by telephone throughout the year, the Council will be performing more fully its function as representative of the student body. Provision will be made whereby any message designed for the Student Council may be taken by the secretary of Phillips Brooks House and relayed to the officer concerned.

It was also suggested that the Council consider the question of possible conflict between its activities and the House Committees, and the advisability of including members of the Committees on the regular council. Morris Earle '38 read a resolution which laid the matter before the council and suggested six possible methods of reform.

They were as follows: (1) to add eight House chairmen automatically without reducing the number of Seniors elected or appointed by the present methods; (2) to add the eight chairmen and reduce the number of Seniors otherwise chosen; (3) to cut the number of Juniors so that eight additional men could be accommodated without materially increasing the size of the Council; (4) to appoint half the House chairmen for one half year, and the other half for the other half year; (5) to make the present unofficial meeting of the House chairmen an official additional function of the Council (6) to elect one man from each House to serve on both the House Committee and the Council.
