
Ames Award Goes to Bowditch; Student Council Publishes Athletic Questionnaire

Funds Will Revert to General Council Aid Fund for Help to Needy Students

John Bradford Bowdithic '37 has been awarded the Richard Glover and Henry Russell Ames Memorial Aid, without stipend, it was announced by the Student Council at its ninth meeting last night. The Student Council, with Secretary George G. Hedblom '37 in the chair, approved the action of the committee in charge of making the award. The statement conferring the honor is as follows:

"A committee consisting of Mrs. Robert R. Ames, George Hedblom '37 and W. H. Page '37, secretary and treasurer respectively of the Student Council and Deam Hanford have awarded "The Richard Glover and Henry Russell Ames Memorial Aid" for the year 1936-37 to Mr. John B. Bowditch, President of the Student Council and former President of the CRIMSON. The award to Mr. Bowditch has been made without stipend, and the funds which would normally go with the award will revert to the general Council Aid Fund for assignment to students who are in especial need of financial assistance. The Ames Memorial Aids were established by, the Council in November, 1935, and are awarded to a Junior or Senior who has shown energy in helping himself and who, as well, exhibits the sterling character and inspiring leadership that were qualities of Richard and Henry Ames of the Classes of 1934 and 1938."
