
Yardling Track Enthusiasts See Films of 1936-37 Meet

Northrop, Neufield, Mikkola Speak at Freshman Meeting

At a meeting last night in the Chess Room of the Union, 75 Freshmen interested in track watched movies of last year's track meets and listened to Alex Northrop, this year's Varsity track captain, Bill Neufeld, the Freshman Coach, and Jaako Mikkola, head track coach, describe the values of their sport.

Northrop, the first speaker, emphasized that there were 15 track events and opportunities for all, even the inexperienced. "You are an odd year", he he added, "and have, therefore, the unusual opportunity of having two chances for the free trip abroad to face Oxford in England."

As the final speaker, Mikkola prophesied, "We had a good team last year, but this year it will be very good. We have outstanding athletes. But we need more two-milers, pole vaulters, javelin throwers, discus throwers, and milers."

"You pay 25 dollars to get one started, two or three dollars a year dues, and they have the right to assess you any time they want. You're no better off than you were before. A union is all right. It keeps men together. If it weren't for union the workers would get shoved to the wall, but the trouble is once they taste success they get crooked. They're all the same."

Ralph DeRonde of Thayer was of the same opinion. "There's nothing wrong with a union but I don't think it has any place here," he said. "We are treated decently enough."


According to Colonel Apted the whole business is just newspaper hokum. "There's nothing to get excited about. Nobody's interested around here. I'm not."

Sever's sweeper was almost to busy to say anything. "I don't think they're after the broom pushers. I haven't heard a word about it. I'm too busy to think about such things." He held up a pile of books left by some student. "Look at these," he said. "Do you think I can be bothered to think about things like that with these to look after?"
