

Writes of International Authority Based on Police Force, Composed of All Young Americans

In a letter to the Harvard Alumni Bulletin, John S. P. Walker '33, of New York, describes a proposition to replace the League of Nations by a new body, which is being made by a number of Harvard graduates. The letter is as follows:

"I recently left finance to form with a number of other Harvard men an organization to develop popular support for the establishment, under American leadership, of some kind of international authority upheld by police force to replace the League of Nations. We propose to build the organization on the fifteen million young American men of military age. We feel that America, by virtue of her unprecedented strength and heterogeneous population, occupies a highly strategic position in the international situation, and that our program will appeal to the practical idealism of the nation. We hope to associate our selves with the ablest young men of our age in every state of the Union. In spite of great difficulties, financial and otherwise, we have made definite progress and have been able to arrange for office facilities in room 605, 75 West 45th Street, New York City. Anyone desiring information about the project and wishing to assist us should communicate with me at that address."
