
Eight Student Council Scholarships Awarded Since Beginning of College

$600 Is Already Given; $1100 Available For Remainder Of College Year

Since the beginning of the college year eight students have been awarded Student Council scholarships totalling nearly $600, figures released yesterday by the Scholarship Committee showed.

Because the Committee feels that relatively little is known about the conditions of award of one of these scholarships, it has decided this year to set a definite time for receiving applications for the Council awards, rather than going through the records of all who have applied for some form of University aid, and picking the most meritorious of the cases for scholarship reward, as was done in the past.

Approximately $2000 is set aside each year from the Council's budget for the assistance of needy undergraduates, and should the amount collected from the student body be greater this year than in past years, the sum reserved for Council scholarships would increase correspondingly.

In general it has been a principle of the Committee that no single aid shall be more than $60, although in a few instances, exceptions have been made. The first consideration is, of course, the need of the applicant and for that reason it is usual that only men who have applications for University loans, Temporary Student Employment jobs, or scholarships, on file can be considered.

Strong emphasis is also placed by the Student Council upon the extra-curricular activities of an applicant; in fact the Council is one of the few sources of scholarships which does emphasize this point, although many Council aids have been awarded to men who report no outside activities.


With about $600 awarded, and some $300 already earmarked for the Ames Memorial Aids, approximately $1100 is still available to undergraduates for the remainder of the college year. Applicants to be considered for one of these scholarships should report the facts of their case to one of the members of the Scholarship Committee at least three weeks in advance of the date on which a term bill is due, should they be applying for aid on a specific term bill. Members of the Scholarship Committee are Caspar W. Weinberger '38, chairman, Edward L. Barnes '38, Richard H. Sullivan '39, and Richard O. Ulin '38, and applications should be made to one of them personally or left at the Student Council office in Phillips Brooks House.

If the applicant does not give his applications for a scholarship to one of the members of the Committee personally, he should leave the following information at the Council office: expected income for the year, probable expenses, amount of aid being received from the University from scholarships, loans, and al other sources, extra-curricular activities, amount of time spent in outside work, and group in the rank list.
