
Burgess Still Missing but New Clue Regarding Fight Arouses Interest of Apted

Man Reputed to Have Been Witness at the Fight Sunday Morning

F. William Burgess, second year law student who mysteriously disappeared early Sunday morning, is still missing but Colonel Charles Apted, head of the Yard Police, has disclosed a new angle in the case.

Apparently an unidentified man witnessed a fight that occurred on the West Boston bridge about the same time a woman informed she had seen a man drown in the Charles river.

Regarding this new testimony, Apted said:

"The story was told by a man whose veracity is unquestionable. He told me a fellow employee saw two men, one of them a youth, fighting. The witness was en route from work and didn't stop, thinking it only a drunken brawl. I am going to talk to the man late today and think there may be a definite break in the case."
