

Leverett's Spang Smallest, Uihlein Largest On List; Selections Made For Crimson and H. A. A. News

Four Kirkland players, Clarence H. Baum, Jr. 1G, John F. McClure '39, Robert W. Snyder '38, and Richard H. Wills, Jr. '38, won positions on the All-House football team, it was revealed last night. The eleven was selected for the CRIMSON and the H. A. A. News by Adolph W. Samborski '26, director of Intramural Athetics.

Baum was the outstanding defensive Ineman of the season at right guard for the Deacons, while right end Snydar's play brought to mind the work of Varsity Bob Green. The two backfield men, McClure and Wills, are both triple threats, and both were as adept at catching aerials as they were at throwing them.

Eliot and Adams each placed two men in the select company, the Elephants being Carter H. White '38, hard driving fullback, and tackle Robert A. Uihlein, Jr. '38, whose six feet four inches in height and 203 pounds in weight made him the biggest man in House ball. Husky Paul G. Counihan '39 won the other tackle berth for Adams, and George Akerson, Jr. '39 got the nod at left end for the Gold-coasters.

Little Charles L. Moore '38 of Winthrop House was chosen for the left guard berth. In spite of his 158 pounds Moore was a standout all season for the Purtians.

Lowell's Robert P. Kelley '38 was picked by Samborski for the pivot post in the line, being a reliable offensive center and an able backer of the Bellboy line. Smallest man on the All-team is William F. Spang '38, Leverett's 150-pound halfback. Spang was the chief offensive threat of the Rabbits and was the main reason they were able to go through four games undefeated and unscored on.


Dudley, which was able to garner only one victory during the season, and Dunster, which won none at all, did not place any men on the team.
