

With the distribution to the Senior Class of letters and phamphlets on the subject of "Placement in Business and Industry", the Placement Office of the University again demonstrated what great strides it has made since the consolidation with the employment office was effected two years ago.

There is now a wealth of information on file in the Placement Office from employers all over the country, with detailed descriptions of the positions available, training school data, type of men wanted, and the like. In addition, the Placement Office has issued a most valuable pamphlet, in all probability the first of its kind, containing a discussion of the general problem of placing seniors, with a statement of the things an employer is looking for and how well a Harvard education meets his demands.

But with distribution of this unique booklet, the work of the Office has just begun as far as the student is concerned. It is extremely necessary that all seniors who are as yet unplaced or uncertain about what they will be doing at this time next year, register early with the Office, so that the student's particular aptitudes may be discovered, and interviews arranged with the proper employers. It should be borne in mind at all times, however, that the Placement Office, while leading a student right up to trough of employment, cannot get the job for him. Dean Plimpton's office will help him learn where his talents lie, and who is offering employment in that particular field, but it will still remain up to the student to do the rest.
