
House News

Lowell Crushes Adams 19-0 In First House Grid Clash

Opening the House football season Lowell House hung up a 19-0 triumph over the Adams House eleven yesterday afternoon on Soldiers Field. The other scheduled game, between last year's champions, Kirkland House, and Dunster was postponed until Monday afternoon.

The Bellboys wasted no time, and after only a minute and a half of play, right halfback Gooder intercepted a pass and ran 30 yards for a touchdown. The extra point hit the crossbar and bounced over.

Before many minutes had elapsed Lowell's quarterback Murphy also intercepted a pass and also proceeded to run 30 yards for a score. The point was missed.

The final six points were run up in the second quarter of the game, when, after a long march which was featured by the running of left halfback Conroy and fullback Piper, the latter carried over from the three-yard stripo.

About the only excitement in the second half occurred when Bellboy Murphy had the misfortune to have his pants ripped off. He exchanged regalls right on the field with a well-dressed substi- tute.


The lineups:

ADAMS  LOWELLAkerson, l.e.  l.e., WellsColeman, l.t.  l.t., PirnieDorfman, l.g.  l.g., CallKaufman, c.  c., KelleyMaisel, r.g.  r.g., RogersSamden, r.t.  r.h., ColtonPerry, r.e.  r.e., KernanMagruder, l.h.  l.h., ConroyCounihan, r.h.  r.h., GooderGraff, q.b.  q.b., MurphyClark, f.b.  f.b., Pipe
