
Dartmouth Scores 153 Points, Still Doubts Strength

What about the Dartmouth football team? It has defeated four opponents, none of them difficult, and has rolled up 153 points in the process. It defeated Brown by a larger score than Harvard, and apparently it did so without extending itself.

Ask any of the Big Green players how good they are, ask the flashy backs or the heavy linemen. Perhaps they would answer, "We wouldn't know," but they might more likely reply "We ought to be good."

Dartmouth is good; they must be good. In light of which, humorous is the attempt of the Dartmouth Athletic News Weekly to build its team up as an underdog. Making the opponent over confident is wise policy, but Santa Claus didn't have a beard when this last workout (we quote):

"This is a strange football world! A Harvard football team that hasn't won a major game since Coach Dick Harlow took over the helm on the Charles, goes into the Dartmouth game on Saturday a favorite to win out over the Indians of Hanover.

Stranger yet is the situation of Dartmouth as the underdogs, when for three years the Big Green has been able to turn back Harvard in a convincing manner."
