

Social Science Magazine Prepares First Issue With Sixty Charter Subscribers; Some On Faculty

Announcement of a tentative editorial board of seven men for the "Harvard Guardian" was made yesterday by Frank P. Davidson '39, President. Others interested in the "Guardian" will have an opportunity to join the board after mid-years.

Headed by George S. Viereck Jr. '39, the board includes Bruce Bliven Jr. '37; Philip I. Blumberg '39; William N. Chambers '39; Albert L. Lesser '39, Cyril C. Means '38; and F. Welch Poel '39. The Business Board, whose personnel will be finally named after midyears, is headed by Jack D. Andrews '39.

Plans for the first issue are now under way. There will be an article by Professor William L. Langer '15, Coolidge Professor of History, but the magazine will have a preponderance of undergraduate contributions. It will be the policy of the board to insist that "all material be presented in a dignified manner, that it be readable, and that it represent honest scholarly work."

Walter Lippman '10, member of the Board of Overseers and one of the foremost political commentators in America, has agreed to become a member of the advisory committee of the "Guardian." The magazine has also secured over sixty charter subscribers.
