

Campus Stars Now Radio Favorites

"RENFREW OF THE MOUNTED" is a chilling thriller for youngsters who like the cops and robber game as played in the Canadian Northwest. In 1935, Joan Baker's interest in the Canadian North-west was very limited. She was a member of the Strollers at Ohio State, circulation manager of the Ohio Stater, contributor to the Lantern, and an athlete in women's intramurals. John Weigel was a classmate, working his way through Ohio State as an announcer at the local radio station. They shared in common an enthusiasm for Ohio State's football team of that year. Now Joan is the heroine of "Renfrew of the Mounted" on a national radio hookup and is rescued over and over again. John Weigel has pushed his way forward, too, and is now a Columbia announcer out of the Chicago studios.

AGNES MOORE HEAD went earnestly ahead to take an M.A. at the University of Wisconsin, read books, played serious roles on the Wisconsin stage, only to find herself doing strange things in radio in order to make a very good living. For example she stooges with that lustiest of radio clowns Phil Baker, under the preposterous name of Miss Heartburn. She is "Min" of the Gumps, now on the air and there plenty of clowning in this too.
