

Stahley Given Varsity Field Coach Post; Johnson Is Only New Member of 1936 Harlow Staff

Arthur S. Lane, captain of the 1933 Princeton football team, will be in charge of the Jayvee squad next fall; and Henry Lamar, former Jayvee mentor, has been shifted to the Freshman squad in Dick Harlow's new coaching staff line-up.

Lamar attended the University of Virginia with the class of 1928. In college he participated in football, boxing and baseball. In 1931 he became head coach of the Varsity boxing team, was assistant Freshman football line coach in 1933, and Freshman line coach in 1934.

Stahley Moves to Varsity Staff

Neil Stahley, who was in charge of the Yardling elevens last fall, will become field coach of the Varsity staff. Joe Hill will be given the task of whipping the Freshman line into shape. Hill played guard and center for three years at Colgate, graduating in 1932. The following year he took over Varsity coaching duties at Wellesley High School, and joined the Harvard Jayvee staff in 1934.

End and backfield coaches of the 40 squad have not yet been appointed.


Jim Dunn, a graduate and stellar halfback of Western Maryland, will again be the Jayvee backfield coach. Only newcomer to the staff will be Arthur Johnson, now a Senior at Southern Methodist University, where he has played the pivot position on his Varsity grid team for three years. He will study at the Business School next fall, and will be the Jayvee line coach.

Three Jayvee Games Scheduled

Three games for the Jayvee 1936 schedule have been approved. These are on October 16 with Providence College Jayvees; October 23 with the Dartmouth Jayvees, and November 20 with the Yale Jayvees at New Haven.
