
League of Yellow Journalists Elects W. R. Hearst as Honorary President

Telegram of Notification Sent to 72-Year Old Publisher--Aims of Society Announced

In recognition of the super-patriotic service which he has rendered to the cause of Americanism, the League of Yellow Journalists, newly formed organization at Harvard, has unanimously elected William Randolph Hearst as its first honorary president.

Official notification of this unique honor was wired last night to the 72-year-old publisher. The text of the telegram reads as follows:

"This is to inform you that the League of Yellow Journalists has elected you Honorary President stop please wire your acceptance stop the medal of the League for distinguished service in the past is on its way stop we know you will keep up your patriotic work in the future."

The League, in its first official statement last night, announced that its primary aim is to increase the circulation of newspapers.

This purpose will be accomplished through (1) exploitation of patriotism, (2) instigation of foreign wars, (3) publication of stolen letters and telegrams, (4) manufacture of misleading propaganda, (5) political crusades against persons disagreeing with its aims and methods, (6) support for all pension and bonus schemes, and (7) the extermination of the red menace in colleges, prep schools, and kindergartens.


Officers elected yesterday were as follows: William A. Kirstein '38, president: George F. Halla '38, secretary: and Stephen V. N. Powelson '38, treasurer
