
Lining Them Up

With three Harvard blade teams scheduled to follow one another onto the New Haven ice against the traditional Yale opponents today, the Crimson's chances for a better than even split on the outcome looks bright. Last year as three Blue teams met three Crimson sextets on Boston ice it was the Jayvee and Freshman teams, winning by one-point margins, that partly retrieved the laurals which the Varsity lost by a similar margin; this year the Varsity is looked to as a tower of strength, well capable of offsetting any bad results that fickle fortune may throw to the less experienced teams.

Illness Hits Elis

Whatever Dame Fortune may decide to do (and she possesses extraordinary powers over the results of hockey games), tradition at least favors the Crimson cause, for it has been the custom for years that Yale loses the day after the Junior Prom. And illness has done the Elis no good, for Bill Moore, first line center, took to his bed a week ago, and defense men Lyn Wilson and Blake Shepard, and goalie Tom Stockhausen, are just getting back into the game after doctor-enforced rests.

The newly formed first line, with Jimmy Mills at center, Bob Cooke on the left, and Danny Badger on the right, rode the tide of fortune against Princeton last week, but was held in check by St. Nicks. With Bill Moore just out of the hospital, Bob Cooke playing on the first line, reserve lines will probably find Moore and Childs sharing pivot duties, with Pillsbury and Nagel on the right and Gagarin and Nagel to the left. Against newly formed lines the Harvard seconds and thirds should shine.

Junior Varsity Strong


For the Jayvees the first line of Nesmith, Holcombe and Pope should put out a good attack, for all of the boys have had a considerable amount of practice during the season. Bob Holcombe at center will be relieved by Don Sleeper and Ren Russell, while Hans Carstein and Jack Clement will bear up after Johnny Nosmith on the left wings. Frank Eaton and Charley Moore will give Ralph Pops a rest on the right.

Charley Bellows and Pete Perry, relieved by Elle]y Jackson and Bill Lovering, form the defense, while George Mahoney and Nort Kidder will trade off at goal. Since this team hasn't played a game, it is difficult to know how they will perform. Suffice it to say that last year a team similarly constituted eked out a 4-3 overtime win in the annual classic.

Freshmen Undefeated

Undefeated through a long schedule, the Yardling sextet will ice a strong team full of hopes to down the Eli skaters who have already been defeated several times. One of the defeats came at the hands of St. Paul's after a close game which was decided by a single tally. The Crimson pucksters, on the other hand, trounced the schoolboys 5-1 in a wide open game.

High-scoring Captain Austie Harding will lead the invaders from the center position on the first line, where he will be hanked by Win Jameson and Wait Hunnewell at the left and right wing positions respectively. Chink Fearon and Tubber Carstein are slated for the starting defense posts where they will be relieved by Chrlie Miles and Put Williams.

Coach Clark Hodder will use Jack Cunningham, Peter Stone, and Miff Stons as his second line, and will keep George Olive, Watson Lowecy, Charile Butcher, George Aldrich, and Mike Coburn as reserves.
