

Current Issue Does Not See Danger in Proposal for Early Practice; Nor Possibility of Summer Camps

Princeton's Alumni Weekly, in sharp contrast to the undergraduate "Prince" does not view with alarm William J. Bingham's proposal that the Presidents' agreement be amended so that fall football practice may begin earlier.

An editorial in the current number of the magazine reads, "We do not regard Mr. Bingham's proposal for changing the Harvard-Yale-Princeton Presidents' agreement on the starting date for football practice as 'complete surrender to one of the principles of big-time football,' the phrase used by the 'Princetonian.'

"We should be sorry to see the principle of the September 15 rule go by the board, but the specter of mid-summer training camps, which some see in Mr. Bingham's suggestion, need disturb no one who troubles to read the complete statement.

"Mr. Bingham specifically recommends to President Conant that the entire time devoted to football be limited to eight weeks . . . which is the exact period devoted to football by the 1935 Princeton team, not counting spring practice."
