
The Music Box

Bruckner's Seventh Symphony to Be Performed by Serge Koussevitzky

Anton Bruckner's Seventh Symphony is being played by the Boston Symphony Orchestra at this week's concerts. The composer was a native of Upper Austria whose course in music was largely guided by the inspiring leadership of his great symphonic predecessor, Beethoven. Like the latter, he composed nine symphonies of which the Seventh (written in 1883) is generally acknowledged to be the greatest. It is typical of all his works in that the religious root is all-important; and also by virtue of the close coordination of the first three movements leading to a climax in the finale. Especially notable is the beautiful adagio which gives full expression to the emotional fervour surrounding the composer's deep love for the Catholic Church. The logical successor of Beethoven from the point of view of symphonic development, he died a comparatively humble but nevertheless significant figure in the musical world.

Gabriel Faure's "Elegie"

Also on the program is the "Elegie" by Gabriel Faure, noted French teacher and composer. This work, in which the cello soloist will be Jean Bedetti, has no pretensions to be outstanding, and merely seeks to charm the listener by its lyrical qualities. The number which follows the "Elegie" is Liszt's "Mephisto Waltz" and it too, in addition to various satanic passages, has a highly emotional section which is often compared with the music in the second act of "Tristan and Isolde." To relieve these two works, the program ends with Ravel's "Rhapsodie Espagnole."

Myra Hess to Play

Myra Hess, the renowned English planist, is to give her annual Boston concert in Jordan Hall on Sunday afternoon. Her interpretation of music is absolutely unique, and through a simple and unaffected approach to every piece in her repertoire, she succeeds in creating a musical atmosphere in which humility is superbly blended with a complete understanding. Many a pianist surpasses her in sheer ability and virtuosity, but few can hope to give such complete satisfaction to their audiences.


Other Interesting Concerts

Tomorrow night in Paine Hall, the Radcliffe and Harvard Music Clubs are presenting a free concert of interesting old works which are rarely heard. Also to be heard and seen in the near future is the Indian dancer, Mona Rani, and her Hindu musicians, who are coming to Jordan Hall next Tuesday evening.
