
Lupe Velez Loves Harvard Boys, but Has Never Sat in John Harvard's Lap

Mexican Firebrand Feels College Dramatics are Fine Start for Screen Stars

"I just lof Harvard boys," sighed Lupe Velez, fiery Mexican star of stage and screen, in her dressing room Monday at the Keith-Boston Theatre, as she regretfully admitted she had never sat in John Harvard's lap as Sally Rand, of the notorious fans, claims she has done.

"Myself, I have nevaire beene to college, but I hav beene kicked out of many schools," continued the dark haired idol of hot-cha movie fans, who was educated in convents both in this country and in her native Mexico. "College dramatics are the ideel place for a boy to develop for the screen.

"Franchot Tone is the leading example of a boy who went to college and then became a big shot in the movies."

Drumming her inch long, scarlet fingernails on the surface of her dressing table, Lupe smiled as she thought of her husband, Johnny "Tarzan" Weissmuller, "who is way out in Hollywood, but I lof heem very much just the same.

Never Sees Own Movies


"Not once have I evaire seen myself on the screen, because I am so awful an actress," she confessed, but seemed much relieved when the CRIMSON reporter assured her he thought she was a delightful comedienne.

"Since I am thirteen years old, I have been imitating my parents and any one else I got a chance to. I lof to act, for me it is fun, not work, and I make pictures for anyone that pays me enough monee."

Because Hollywood producers will not pay her enough, Lupe is on her way to England to make two pictures and to act in one stage production. "I would already be thaire, but the studies burned down, and now I hav to wait, but I am glad, for then I come to Bostown, and I like it so much here.

"I Lof to Go to Bed"

"My favorite-sport, you ask. That is funnay, the thing I like best to do is to go to bed. I also like to swim and ride horseback, but I do so lof to go to bed," and the youngest Velez girl bestowed a well-practised wink on her interviewer as he left to let her prepare for her next show.
